
Senior Secondary

The Senior Secondary at 91¸£Àûapp prides itself on offering our students a wide choice of courses, highly skilled subject specialist teachers and appropriate motivational and support strategies to enable each student to achieve to their potential, giving them the best chance of transitioning to the next stage of life, be it university, TAFE and further training or employment. We focus on the whole person and ensure each student is supported by regular monitoring and access to a comprehensive range of student service support staff.

Strategies used include:

  • Breakfast Club targeted for students with potential ATAR 95+.
  • Motivational lunches for students with potential to win SCSA and VET awards.
  • ATAR courses have a program of rigorous assessment in first 6 weeks with student counselling as required.
  • Mentoring program.
  • Four House Coordinators per Year level responsible for pastoral care of students, supported by full-time Head’s of Year 11 and Year 12.
  • Weekly meetings to monitor students at risk.
  • All Year 12 students undergo Personal Planning Sessions in Term 1 and Term 3.
  • Homework classes each Monday - Wednesday in the library. 3 x ‘Late Library’ sessions prior to Semester 1 and 2 exams.
  • Subsidised WACE revision seminars provided for Year 12 ATAR students.
  • Specific study skills program delivered to all students.
  • Senior students attend well-being presentations and parents also offered similar programs.
  • Student success advertised through various school media.