English 1


English courses focus on developing students’ analytical, creative, and critical thinking and communication skills in all language modes. They encourage students to critically engage with texts from their contemporary world, with texts from the past and with texts from Australian and other cultures. Such engagement helps students develop a sense of themselves, their world and their place in it.

Through close study and wide reading, viewing and listening, students develop the ability to analyse and evaluate the purpose, stylistic qualities and conventions of texts and enjoy creating their own imaginative, interpretive, persuasive and analytical responses. English courses are designed to develop students’ facility with all types of texts and language modes and to foster an appreciation of the value of English for lifelong learning.

Students refine their skills across all language modes by engaging critically and creatively with texts. They learn to speak and write fluently in a range of contexts and to create a range of text forms. They hone their oral communication skills through discussion, debate and argument, in a range of formal and informal situations

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Journalism and Communication subject

The Journalism and Communications Course is designed for students who are interested in writing for the media or a broader career in publishing, politics, marketing or advertising. It focuses on the acquisition of basic skills of professional writing in particular journalism skills such as research, interviewing, editing and publication. Students will be able to write feature articles on such diverse topics as world issues, music and fashion. The course aims to develop students’ understanding of the print media industry in particular and to enable them to gather, write, edit and publish their writing. It also aims to develop students’ abilities to respond to all aspects of the media as informed and active citizens.