

Media Studies prepares students for a future in a digital and interconnected world by developing their creative skills, critical appreciation and knowledge of media techniques and technologies so they can explore their world, tell their own stories and interpret the stories of others.

Working individually and collaboratively students will create and produce media works that demonstrate their understandings of key media concepts and technical expertise.

Year 8

Media Students in Year 8 will be introduced to concepts and skills associated with the study and practice of the media. The focus of the course is to develop an understanding of how Narrative is constructed in various forms of the Media. A wide range of tasks expose students to the use of digital camera and professional editing programmes to enable them the enjoyable experience of planning and producing their own short films and other texts.

Year 9

This course builds on the skills and concepts learnt in Year 8, through a focus on animation and television advertising. Students will explore different styles of animation and television advertising and using digital cameras and computer editing, they will be given the opportunity to create their own examples of each of these media forms.

Films can be categorised into a number of different styles such as comedy, westerns and science fiction. These styles are called genres. This course examines the characteristics and conventions of a number of different genres and considers the benefits of classifying films in this way for both audiences and film-makers. As well as viewing a range of films, students will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their understandings by making their own genre films.

Year 10

Some people believe that documentaries give us an objective opinion about their subject matter. This course will question that belief and suggest that the world we see in documentaries has been constructed in a way to present a particular point of view. Students will explore this concept by viewing professional documentaries as well as making their own. Students will have the opportunity to make two documentaries: the first will be a short exercise to reinforce basic practical skills and concepts and the second will be an extended documentary on a subject of students own choosing.

FILM-MAKING – Semester Two
This course gives students the opportunity to create an extended film. In preparing for their major production, students will undertake a series of preliminary exercises which will re-enforce scripting, film-making and editing skills as well as exploring how narrative is created and the ways in which a film-maker can engage an audience.

Year 11

The Media Production and Analysis General course aims to prepare students for a future in a digital and interconnected world by providing the skills, knowledge and understandings to tell their own stories and interpret the stories of others. Students are encouraged to explore, experiment and interpret their world, reflecting and analysing contemporary life, while understanding that this is done under social, cultural and institutional constraints. Students, as users and creators of media products, consider the important role of audiences and their context. This course focuses on the application of media theory in the practical process. Student wishing to pursue careers in Media related fields such as television, journalism, broadcasting, advertising and marketing will find this course most useful. However, Media Production and Analysis is also an important subject for developing general life-skills for all students as it helps us to analyse and deal with the impact of the Mass Media in our lives.

The Media Production and Analysis General course is a very useful stepping stone into vocational courses offered at TAFE for students who wish to work in Media related fields such as television, journalism, broadcasting, advertising and marketing. It is production based to enable students to explore, experiment and improve their skills in these areas. Furthermore, it is also an important course for developing general life-skills for all students as it helps us to analyse and deal with the impact of the Mass Media in our lives.

Year 12

In this course students will undertake two semester units over the year. The focus of the first semester unit is Media Art Forms. This involves studying the ways in which film can be considered an art form and comparing Hollywood style film with art-house cinema. Students will not only analyse a range of films but also have the opportunity to make their own art-house style film.. The focus of the second semester unit is Power and Persuasion This involves the study of documentary styles and traditions and the ways which they can reflect, shape and challenge our values and attitudes.

In this course students will view, listen to and analyse a range of popular media texts and develop their own ideas, learn production skills and apply their understandings and skills in creating their own productions. Within the focus of popular culture and press and broadcasting students will explore the importance of popular music and Hollywood film styles in their lives and be given the opportunity to create their own video music clip. They will also examine the concept of fame and the role of the media in creating and promoting celebrities and famous people by creating a celebrity and producing a number of media texts to promote them.